New Beginners

Why Join Band?

There are so many wonderful reasons to join the band. Having the skill to perform a musical instrument has been one of the most cherished accomplishments throughout history. Students who decide to learn to to play an instrument can use this skill and knowledge for the rest of their lives. There is nothing like the joy of performing music with friends. It happens every day in school groups and continues for adults who still to play in community bands and orchestras or for those who perform professionally. In all cases, performing music can be an exhilarating experience.

Aside from the obvious benefits of playing a music instrument, there are a number of surprising academic benefits to students who study music. Students who take lessons on an instrument at a young age stimulate the brain in a unique way. Studies have shown that learning to play an instrument enhances a student’s academic performance in math, language arts, foreign language and other academic areas. Even standardized test scores such as the SAT are higher among musicians.

Whatever the reason, playing an instrument can bring joy and fulfillment like no other activity. The most common remark from parents following a wonderful school concert is, “I wish my parents would have encouraged me to play an instrument and stick with it.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Does my child need to know how to play an instrument to join?

Not at all.  We will teach your child everything he/she needs to know to play.  We will start at the beginning with how to hold and handle the instruments, and together they will learn to read and play music.


When will classes meet and how much time will it take?

Our classes meet during the regular school day.  Students attend band class daily just like their other academic classes.  (6th Graders meet during 4th Period, 7th Graders meet during 6th Period and 8th Graders meet during 1st Period)


How much will it cost?

Band is relatively inexpensive activity.  Obtaining an instrument will not be difficult. Many instruments are available through the school and area music stores offer monthly instrument rental for a moderate fee.  We don’t want students to be excluded for financial reasons; we will certainly assist you in any way that we can.


How do I sign my child up for band?

Simply contact Mr. Sheehe (Band Director) at or call him at 419-350-4718.


Can you be involved in the band and participate in other school activities like sports, cheerleading, dance, or art etc.?

Absolutely!  Due to the fact that we rehearse during the school day, many of our students are able to be involved in other activities.  Music students are often among the busiest students in the school.  The experience that they gain in balancing these interests and activities often proves to be one of life’s most valuable lessons. 

Donnell Band at Band Party in the Fall

Donnell Band rehearses at Niagara Falls Band Trip Competition

Donnell Band Salvation Army Performance

Donnell Symphonic Band at Chicago Six Flags Competition