
Monday, May 27th: 9:30 AM - SHOCKWAVE Memorial Day Parade

Meet behind the Marathon Performance Arts Center.

Tues-Thurs, May 28-30: Donnell Instrument Switch Camp 11 AM - Noon

Camp right is free and open to any 6-7 student that wants to switch

instruments or get a fresh start on their instrument and start over.

Mon-Fri, June 10-14: 9 AM - 1 PM SHOCKWAVE Summer Drum Camp

Saturday, June 29th: All Day Phoenix Color Guard Camp See link to register:

Thursday, July 4th: 10:15 AM SHOCKWAVE 4th of July Parade for Findlay 

Tues/Wed, Aug 6 & 7: 12-4 PM Annual Donnell JAZZ Camp $10 per person